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What Impact Does Having a Strong Sense of Purpose Have on Your Health?

Writer: authorlindsaygibsonauthorlindsaygibson

It's February while writing this, which for me is that dull period that seems to feel gray because spring is right around the corner...but taking forever! It's also the notorious "month of love" and if you are alone or struggling emotionally, feeling that love can be really hard—only adding to your already big pile of stress.

Turning Stress into a Sense of Purpose

We don’t need a groundbreaking new study to tell us that stress and anxiety levels are at all-time high right now. As you probably know, excessive stress and a lack of social support are not beneficial for our health and immunity. Researchers have long understood that social and psychological factors significantly influence how our bodies function, including how our systems manage and resist disease, how we age, and our overall lifespan. But here’s the good news: 

Having a personal sense of purpose helps buffer stress, protect against disease, and promote healthy aging.

Author Lindsay Gibson books

People with a greater sense of purpose had a significantly lower likelihood of dying from any cause from the most recent research, however this does not mean it will protect you from every virus or your daily challenges. It does mean that it will help you cope with everything that is thrown your way.

As an author who writes happy and heartwarming stories, there are plenty of days where I am in no mood to write anything that has to do with love and happiness. Doom and gloom some days...but those are the days that I have to dog deep—and remind myself of my purpose. When my three daughters are giving me a hard day and perhaps I didn't sleep well the night before...I have to remind myself again.

We've all been there.

What Does a Sense of Purpose Mean?

Most people understand what a purpose in life means. Our purpose gves us meaning, direction and striving to meet our goals. But I'm here to remind you that sometimes just getting up everyday is another opportunity to work toward what we're meant to do. To try again.

When one of my girls give me a hug during those hard moments, that's another opportunity for me to take a breath and keep trying. Or when a reader leaves a review that touches my heart. It gives me a sense of purpose each and every time.

Essentially, for most of us, a sense of purpose involves engaging in activities that are meaningful to them and also help others. You see what you do as a way to make a difference in someone’s life and make the world a better place.

But it's not always easy...

Your Sense of Purpose & Your Health

Vital Plan Lindsay Gibson
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Feeling that your existence is meaningful and purposeful keeps you engaged in life and your self-care, especially if your purpose involves helping others rather than just seeking personal wealth, fame, or comfort. This greater sense of meaning in life can be linked to more health-promoting behaviors.

However there’s something else going on, too.

The deeper your sense of purpose and tapping into what you're meant to do, this includes surrounding yourself with people you love and care for you, is linked both to physical markers of health and longevity, including lower rates of inflammation with a decrease expression of pro-inflammatory genes. That's a win in my book!

What does this mean? That bsaed of various research, people with high life satisfaction, setting goals andleaning itno their sense of purpose have lower blood levels of C-reactive protein, indicating less inflammation. While some inflammation is necessary for immune response and healing, uncontrolled inflammation can damage healthy tissues and cause cellular and physical burnout.

I've certainly felt this...time and time again.

When You Feel Lost

There are times in life where we feel completely lost with what "we're supposed to do" and this can happen as a result of situational trauma, aging...maybe your kids are all grown now and gone, or the career you were in, suddenly doesn't feel right anymore.

Life changes, but we can too.

Adapting to these changes takes patience and daily practice to keep moving yourself forward. Sometimes all it takes is starting over with small steps. Perhaps you can keep your mind in a positive mindset, even if you still feel lost, with one random act of kindness with a stranger? Picking up a good book that will give you all the feels. Get out in nature more so you can simply just be in the fresh air. Volunteer for a good cause. Start a new hobby.

Remember: there's always an ooportunity every day to try again. If you're physically down, take a look at my favorite 'store' packed with wellness goodies for various areas of your health and click here to receive $20 off your first order!



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